Case Studies


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Carreker forecasting solution Carreker forecasting solution

Date added: 01/06/2012
Date modified: 01/06/2012
Filesize: 71.05 kB
Downloads: 3598

Business Problem: Provide systems to banks to estimate required cash at ATM/MAC machines The need for accurate forecasts for Automated Teller Machines is critical so that customer’s can get the cash they need while minimizing the amount of cash at the machine.

Commerce Bank forecasting solution Commerce Bank forecasting solution

Date added: 01/06/2012
Date modified: 01/06/2012
Filesize: 81.72 kB
Downloads: 4251

Business Problem: Increased losses on credit card charge due to bankruptcy or non payment With the economic slowdown and the unemployment rate, financial institutions are facing new challenges to maintain good financial health.

Doing Hard Time Series Doing Hard Time Series

Date added: 01/16/2012
Date modified: 02/15/2012
Filesize: 2.17 MB
Downloads: 7140

Presentation: Using a time-series Box-Jenkins approach for forecasting.

Financial analysis/Fraud Detection using Autobox Financial analysis/Fraud Detection using Autobox

Date added: 01/06/2012
Date modified: 02/15/2012
Filesize: 475.49 kB
Downloads: 3695

Case Study: International Symposium on Forecasting 2002 presentation on the use of Autobox as a fraud detection mechanism.

Financial analysis/Fraud Detection using Autobox (Annotated) Financial analysis/Fraud Detection using Autobox (Annotated)

Date added: 01/06/2012
Date modified: 02/15/2012
Filesize: 548.3 kB
Downloads: 10232

Case Study: This study evaluates whether automatic intervention detection(AID) can be effectively used to distinguish companies with fraudulent reported data from those with no indication of fraudulent reports.

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