
2016 ....  Cited in Gartner' 2016 Hype Cycle Report "on the rise" due to our work in the area of Probability Management

Launched Autobox Integrated into R

Extended Simulated Forecasts to Causal Modeling

2015 ....  Added a new class of data called "Simulated Forecasts" which is distribution of forecasts expanding the point forecast Compatibility of output with Probabilitymanagement's Sipmath Tools

Added Compatibility of output with BI Tools like Tableau, Spotfire, Qliq

Launch of Autobox integrated into LLamasoft

2014 .... Launched Autobox Cloud Collaborative Forecasting integrating parallel processing, MAPE tracking, Collaboration, Databases into the Web.

Added the option to report Price Elasticities to Autobox 7.0 Command Line version

2013 .... .NET version using 32/64 bit creating a 4x increase in speed

2012 .... Can we make the month end number? A report added showing a table of probabilities to interpolate from

Added Variance Change Detection Report highlighting where the variance changed

Added Parameter Change Detection Report highlighting where the parameters had changed

3)Forecast Monitoring Report compares the Autobox forecast vs a simple method to check that Autobox has a reasonable forecast

2011 .... Added ability to read and write directly to Excel files in Batch version for univariate problems

2010 .... Added Five Exception Reports to the Batch System

1)Trend Report highlighting where a trend has occurred in history

2)Level Shift Report highlighting where a level shift has occurred in history

3)Forecast Monitoring Report compares the Autobox forecast vs a simple method to check that Autobox has a reasonable forecast

4)Forecasting Fit Exception Report compares the Fitted MAPE for the Autobox model vs a naive and mean model to check that Autobox has built a reasonable model

5)Measuring Accuracy(MAPE) by Withholding Observations allows users to track what the forecast accruacy would have been by withholding observations one by one and rerunning Autobox

Added "Dynamic Promotion Response" where Promotion has big impact and then decays over time

Added Report with the Probability of making the month end number for daily data(canwe report)

2010 .... Added ACF Original and Residual Graphs

2009 .... Mixed-Frequency Suite launched for Interval (ie hourly, semi-hourly data) forecasting

2009 .... Added an adjustment variable for when a holiday falls on a weekend and Fixed Days of Month

2009 .... Added a Pulse Report and Level Shift Report for the Batch version that provides a macro view as to what unusual changes are occurring in the data

2009 .... 30 day free trial release

2008 .... Excel compatible Batch version released

2008 .... Interactive Batch version released

2008 .... Autobox 6.0 is released

2006 .... Week of the year, Day of the week, Day of the month effects incorporated

2004 .... Intermittent Demand modelling approach using a Transfer function methodology is developed

2002 .... FreeFore is released as a FREEWARE version of AUTOBOX

2002 .... AUTOBOX is ported to Linux

2001 .... Selected as the Best Dedicated Forecasting Package in Principles of Forecasting textbook

2000 .... Offered Combined Modeling

2000 .... Intermittent Demand modelling approach using a Transfer function methodology is developed

2000 .... Established contracts with Vizability, JustEnough, 3DGraphics, Onttargetech

1999 .... Received special honors from the M3 Competition

1998 .... Autobox 5.0 released

1998 .... i2 integrates AUTOBOX into their Demand Planning System "PLANNER"

1997 .... Added Local Time Trend Detection Algorithm

1996 .... AUTOBOX 4.0 used in Quality Control Systems

1996 .... AUTOBOX 4.0 for Windows introduced

1994 .... Pooled Cross-Sectional Time Series introduced

1993 .... Constancy of Parameters/Model test introduced/ Swiss Government signs on to use AUTOBOX to screen data

1992 .... Variance Change Detection introduced

1991 .... AUTOBOX 3.0 incorporating a sophisticated proprietary database system is introduced. Installation of ENGINE version into Anheuser- Busch's Production System.

1988 .... Automatic Intervention Detection incorporated into procedures .... AUTOBOX 2.0

1986 .... AUTOBOX 1.0 integrating AUTOBJ and Automatic Transfer-Function (CAUSAL) becomes available

1983 .... AUTOBJ converted to DOS based machines

1976 .... AUTOBJ is the first to market software package delivered as an application on the most popular time-sharing systems with Automatic Univariate ARIMA

Interactive Data Corporation (PROBE) - IBM equipment

Compuserve - DEC equipment

Computer Science Corporation (INFONET) - IBM equipment


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