

We now present six different examples of time series analysis which culminate in direct statements about the impact or meaning of recent data. The first example illustrates a contrast where the most recent value is very close to the average value, but still unusual. The second case points to a detection of a mean shift. The third and fourth cases deal with detecting and reporting a change of trend. While the fifth case illustrates the value of supporting variables in identifying exceptions and the sixth case is a counter example of the value of causal variables.

When is the expected value equal to the mean ? When is the mean an unusual value ? These are the questions that can be dealt with when one is armed with modern time series analysis. Exception detection or early warning systems sometimes incorrectly employ % change or some constant differential as the methodology to flag unusual activity. This example illustrates what the eye immediately detects. AUTOBOX performs just like your eye.

When describing a set of numbers one often uses the mean. However, if the mean has shifted then it is important to footnote. Here, we can say that the mean of the first 16 values is significantly different from the mean of the last four values. Strong statements lead to action oriented decisions. Some analysts might incorrectly project this down.

When you impose or specify a model form either directly or from a subset the answer you get is often based upon your specification.

Take another look at these 20 values. Notice that once your focus is directed to the correct contrast, i.e. the first 16 versus the last 4, your eye confirms the conclusion. The problem is that some unusual values in the past have a tendency to confuse not only the eye, but some statistical analysis.

The issue is that aside from 1978, 1981, 1986 and 1987, four unusually high values there is no downward trend. Some would argue that there have been values as low as the last four during previous years (1980,1985,1988) thus these four values do not represent unusual activity. Collectively they do ! The probability of four values as consistently as low as these is near zero.

Some attempts have been made to allow graphical interfaces to detect anomalies and significant events. They fail because of their inability to collectively analyze.

"A trend is a trend until it bends" is an old proverb. Time series methods can discern when the rate of growth has changed and a plateau has been approached. This plot illustrates the power of model identification leading to a conclusion that is again visible.

Some time series are easy to model, others represent a challenge. Make sure that the tools you bring to bear on a problem are industrial strength and employ the best pattern recognition techniques as good if not better than your eye. These are two kinds of series. One has a level shift, the other has a trend. It is crucial to be able to distinguish between these two phenomena.

Consider the following graph. Select the point that is unusual. One has to make that assessment given a body of existing knowledge. If you are told nothing but the information in this graph, you would conclude that there are five unusual points with unexpected high sales.

If we now show that graph again but with the unusal value denoted, you might be somewhat skeptical as it would appear to be very normal or typical.

The reason that that one point was highlighted was due to the fact that a promotion had been put on at six points in time, but that point was the only period that sales did not respond to the stimulus. You might call it an "inlier".

Showing both the sales series and the promotion series we can clearly see the exceptional activity of non-response.

The key point is when estimating the impact of the promotion, one might wish to robustly compute the beta using 5 incidences rather than 6. Clearly, there must be an assignable cause to the one time period of non-response.

Current practice is to use, or is it misuse spreadsheet or statistical tools without regard for the underlying assumptions. Consider an example where demand for gas is related to the price for a 20 year period. A model is developed and would appear to be fairly reasonable.

Some practictioners in an attempt to deal with the apparent non-randomness of the errors fit complicated models involving unwarranted transformations.

Upon closer, a lot closer, inspection we find that there are assignable causes other than the price variable. We find that price is not a factor with no clear correlative structure. The conclusion is that policy or some exogenous variable is important and that the correlation between demand and price may be spurious.

A structural approach to the "FAMILY TREE". The role of the three (3) kinds of model components.




An organized model selection menu.