To get to know someone drive coast-to-coast with them in a broken down VW bug.
Friends and countrymen lend me your ears.
I like work. I can sit and watch it all day.
Familiarity breeds contempt.
If you like this program so much why don't you send more money?
Any computer program once finished will be immediately out of date.
Any computer program once finished will have to be rewritten.
A computer program is only as good as the last bug that was fixed.
If you think lawyers lie try statistics.
Eat drink and be merry and die fat and drunk.
You're a little weird but I like that in a person.
One of the most important features of the commercial version is the # of jokes
If this program doesn't work there's probably a reason for that.
The unexamined time series is not worth recording.
We have met the enemy it is us.
This darned machine won't give me what I want!
Problems are only opportunities in work clothes
I trust you but I'm not sure about your replacement.
Some programs like some people are a waste of time.
We have met the enemy it is us.
AUTOBOX is a triumph of the human programmer
There are more ways to do it wrong than there is to do it right.
Numbers are to statisticans what paint is to artists.
Numbers are to paint what statisticans are to artists.
Paint is to art as numbers are to statisticans.
Art may fade but STATISTICS endures.
This above all: To thine ownself be true.
It's not that I don't trust you but nobody lives forever.
Procrastination is the thief of time.
All I know is that you've been wrong before.
Say the magic word and you'll receive $100.
If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen.
One man's noise is another man's signal.
If you can't stand the cold get out of the garage.
"Mortals can not become immortal" ...Pliny
The world is 70% water.
Imagination is creativity day-dreaming.
I do not fear statistics I fear the lack of statistics.
Those who make you laugh are the ones you do not love.
Those who make you cry are the ones you love.
Imagination is creativity day-dreaming.
John Bull's other island.
Time series data is ubiquitous.
The weed of crime bears bitter fruit.
Don't get saucy with me Bernaise !
Please don't annoy me with facts my mind is made up.
Confusion creates opportunity.
Please don't annoy me I'm memorizing whats in memory.
Statisticians keep statistics.
Statisticians do it by the numbers and to the numbers.
I'm not enjoying this the least bit.
Freedom is the right to choose your own chains.
You were right but for the wrong reason.
The unexamined life is not worth living.
The untested computer program is not worth using.
In the beginning I wasn't sure about you but now I am.
Better here than in Philadelphia.
If California is the future I'll take Camden.
Are you sure about that.
Statisticians do it by the numbers.
Sorry but your time is up.
ScitsitatS spelt backward is STATISTICS.
My patience with you has reached the critical level.
You never miss the water 'til the well runs dry.
Yours is a face that could launch a thousand ships.
Sometimes it's better to take a small gain rather than a large loss.
Sometimes a bannana is just a bannana.
We have just advised management that you are spending too much time on this
The critical limit on the number of allowable human errors has been exceeded
Stop reading these messages and get back to work.
You really should disable this function as it slows up the CPU.
If you're soo smart why didn't you major in statistics.
You are statistically significant
You are statistically insignificant
Loose lips sink ships.
I never met a statistic I didn't like.
There is no such thing as bad statistics just bad statisticians.
When in doubt use statistics.
Statisticians like all scientists overemphasize the utility of their tools
The real world is always more complex than the simple statistical model.
Always use historical not hysterical data.
Give me a lever and I will move the earth . Archimedes
Give me a computer and I will move the earth .
A trend is a trend until it bends.
The data is never wrong but it could be the wrong data
If you could only see her through my eyes.
It's too bad we can't forecast the future as well as the past.
Hindsite is forecasting in reverse.
Sometimes you win. Sometimes you lose. Sometimes you can't even quit the game.
The place was so crowded that people don't go there anymore.
The Data is never wrong.
Never let data get in the way of theory.
The intermediate steps are obvious.
Live free or die.
The more disks that a program arrives on the better it is.
How come this program is so expensive but only comes on two disks?
If this program doesn't work give it a different set of numbers.
"That's not my job mister"
I'd rather be here with you than the best people.
"Would you like me to watch your car while you are gone ? "
"If the fans don't want to come out you cant keep them home". Y. Berra
Statisticians are to numbers what Ventriloquists are to dummies.
Statisticians do it with numbers.
AFS does not mean A Faulty Software Co. !
Figures don't lie but liars figure.
Farmers do it early in the morning.
Printers do it without wrinkling the sheets.
Never under estimate the ability of the world to function without you.
Bankruptcy is business's way of telling you about your acumen.
Forecasters predict when they can do it.
If at first you don't succeed re-define sucess.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
There is always one more feature that can be added to a program.
Let him who has taken the plunge remember to return it by Tuesday.
Your checksum didn't.
Beware of computer technicians who try to write software.
This program has more bugs than a June picnic.
A computer program should be both friendly and firm
Hold on! We will now format your hard disk!
Did you ever notice that disaster is only a keystroke away ?. .
A computer program should be like a wife dependable and loyal.
A computer program should be like a mistress exciting and a little flirtatious
For a good time call DAVE.
It doesn't pay to live in the past there's no future in it.
Statistics are numbers looking for an arguement.
Try everything once and the fun things twice.
Thomas meaning twin.
Forecast spelt backwards is AUTOBOX.
The Irish feel guilty while doing it.
The French word for forecasting: Previon
This game is a cliff-dweller. Y. Berra
Keep smiling. Everyone will think you know something they don't.
Practice moderation in all things but don't overdo it.
Take time to smell the flowers but try not to inhale a bee.
Do a little more each day and soon everyone will expect you to do more.
Laugh and the world laughs with you complain and you will get more attention.
Make etopy day a special day pretend it's friday.
Live life to the fullest fillup on the good stuff.
Who knows what evil lurks in the minds of men. Lamont Cranston knows!
Greed is good.
Garbage in Gospel out
Work is good. Max Weber
Covering all your bases : slang: e.g. a dual major in computers and religion.
All David's are not created equal.
A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.
A good memory does not equal pale ink.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a cash advance from Sam.
A judge is a law student who marks his own examination papers. H. L. Mencken
A king's castle is his home.
A man who fishes for marlin in ponds will put his money in Etruscan bonds.
A man who turns green has eschewed protein.
A plucked goose doesn't lay golden eggs.
Operations Researchers do it with models.
A truly wise man never plays leapfrog with a Unicorn.
A thousand points of light stay the course...
The mother of all statistical programs. AUTOBOX
Adultery is the application of democracy to love. - H. L. Mencken
All that glitters has a high refractive index.
Allen's Axiom: When all else fails follow instructions.
The lion and the calf shall lie down together but the calf won't sleep.
Allen's Law: Almost anything is easier to get into than out of.
And I alone am returned to wag the tail.
Anthony's Law of Force: Don't force it- get a bigger hammer.
As goatherd learns his trade by goat so writer learns his trade by wrote.
Berra's Law: You can observe a lot just by watching.
Beware of a dark-haired man with a loud tie.
Blessed are the young for they shall inherit the national debt. H.Hoover
By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail.
Cahn's Axiom: When all else fails read the instructions.
Center meeting at 4 pm in 2C-543
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Cole's Law: Thinly sliced cabbage
When you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow.
Commoner's Second Law of Ecology: Nothing ever goes away.
Content of destination lost before copy
Continental Life. Why do you ask?
Crazee Edeee his prices are INSANE!!!
Creditors have much better memories than debtors.
Dan Quayle gaining acceptance...
Deprive a mirror of its silver and even the Czar won't see his face.
Do not clog intellect's sluices with bits of knowledge of questionable uses.
Do not underestimate the power of the Force.
Don't eat yellow snow.
Ducharme's Precept: Opportunity always knocks at the least opportune moment.
All models are wrong. Some are useful.
Etorre's Observation: The other line moves faster.
Even a cabbage may look at a king.
Even a hawk is an eagle among crows.
Even the boldest zebra fears the hungry lion.
Even the smallest candle burns brighter in the dark.
Every purchase has its price.
Far duller than a serpent's tooth it is to spend a quiet youth.
After things have gone from bad to worse the cycle will repeat itself.
Fett's Law: Never replicate a successful experiment.
Finagle's First Law: If an experiment works something has gone wrong.
Once a job is fouled up anything done to improve it only makes it worse.
Firestone's Law of Forecasting: Chicken Little only has to be right once.
First Law of Laboratory Work: Hot glass looks exactly the same as cold glass.
Flee at once all is discovered.
Fools rush in where fools have been before.